Our Story


Adam and I met 4 1/2 years ago in Atlanta. He moved into an apartment above the building where I had just started a new job. We gradually started seeing more and more of each other until before we knew it we were both head over heels despite our differences

tumblr_mz2butHq5Z1senpbao1_1280Work separated us pretty early on in our relationship. Adam moved back to St. Louis and I moved to Nashville. We couldn’t bear to see the other one go, so we gave the long distance thing a shot… It was HARD!


After 2 years of flying/driving/bussing back and forth to see each other in our spare time, we both agreed that enough was enough. I packed my bags and moved to St. Louis, and have been here ever since!


Adam and I took stock of the things that were most important to us and found that we had a lot of the same hopes and dreams! Adam’s since acquired his dream RV, and we are currently restoring our second VW Bus. We try to travel as much as possible, try as many new things as possible, and meet as many new people as possible.

We decided a while back to make every single day an adventure… And I haven’t regretted a single minute of it!
